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ANPR Hardware & Devices

ANPR on LattePanda

Plate Recognizer, the leader in Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), is proud to announce that its license plate recognition On-Premise SDK software now supports the LattePanda hardware.

What is LattePanda?

LattePanda is the first development board that can run a full version of Windows 10! It is turbocharged with an Intel Quad Core processor and has excellent connectivity, with three USB ports and integrated WiFi and Bluetooth 4.0.

In 2018, LattePanda announced that it officially supports Linux Ubuntu, so now it actually supports both Windows and Linux!

LattePanda debuted in 2017 in San Mateo, California, at the Maker Faire.  From there, an active community group was formed first in Silicon Valley and then in other regions of the world.

LattePanda’s latest development is the LattePanda Alpha Edition, a powerful device that uses the same Intel 7th generation Core m3 processor as the latest MacBook.  The Alpha Edition was dubbed by many in the media as the World’s 1st Hackable Computer.

What is Plate Recognizer ANPR?

Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), or Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR), is software that decodes vehicle license plates.

Plate Recognizer’s ANPR technology has been fine-tuned for real-world environments, such as blurry, dark, low-resolution images.  The ANPR software supports over 90 countries around the globe.  The license plate recognition technology can be consumed via API Cloud or On-Premise SDK on a monthly subscription basis.

Optimizing ANPR on LattePanda

The LattePanda is a powerful machine, no doubt.  And Plate Recognizer ANPR has been supporting Windows since its inception.  So while it took some work to optimize ANPR on LattePanda, the effort here was definitely less than trying to optimize its license plate recognition software on the Raspberry Pi.

Plate Recognizer Runs on LattePanda. Now What?

Compared with the Raspberry Pi, the LattePanda is more expensive, at around USD$350-400.  However, it packs a heavy punch that can be utilized in many more ANPR use-cases.

For example, police departments can now run ANPR on the LattePanda, with the device located inside the police car.  Plate Recognizer ANPR On-Premise SDK can be installed on the LattePanda to decode the images as the vehicle drives around town.  An easy integration can be done to match the decoded license plates to a database of stolen vehicles.  This way, while the policeman or policewoman is driving around, the ANPR on LattePanda can alert the user of any stolen vehicles nearby!

We are super-excited on what the LattePanda community can create with the Plate Recognizer Automatic Number Plate Recognition software!

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About Plate Recognizer

Plate Recognizer provides accurate, fast, developer-friendly Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software that works in all environments, optimized for your location. Sign up for a Free Trial!

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