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Write for Us

Are you a proficient writter?  Have some insights to share in the area of smart cities, parking, toll, insurance and other topics?

If so, you’re in the right place.  Read below on our guidelines for Guest Bloggers on our site.

Write for Us Guest Blog opportunity

Passionate about your topic?  Read on! Source: Unsplash.

Guest Blog Guidelines

To get a feel on our writing style, please take a read of some of our Recent Posts (listed on the right).

We expect that you will abide to the following:

  • Compose with at least 1200 words.  
  • Please do not plagarize.  And, we do not publish something that’s already published. 
  • Write about an interesting topic or an original concept.
  • Attribute all data, quotations, and outside content to their original source(s).  All data should have originated within the last two years.
  • Have no more than one link to your company’s website.  Note: this includes your website homepage, blog, pricing page, etc.
  • Use wit, humor where and when possible.  This spices things up for a more interesting read.
  • Make sure to spell-check and grammar-check everything!

Now, this may seem overly obvious, but if your company/product competes with us in any way, then this is likely not going to work out.  🙁

Give it a Go!

If you are good with the guidelines above, then let us know!  Please share about yourself, your company and a few sentences on what you’d like to write about. 

Also, let us know if you’d like to guest blog on Booted! boardgame website too!

Contact Us

Have a question about ALPR or Parking Management Software? Contact Us

About Plate Recognizer

Plate Recognizer provides accurate, fast, developer-friendly Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software that works in all environments, optimized for your location. Sign up for a Free Trial!

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