LPR stands for license plate recognition. So LPR software is a program or other operating information computers use to recognize license plates and “understand” the numbers and letters they contain. Whenever something is complex, as can be the case with license plate reader software, there’s room for misunderstanding.
LPR can also mean Laryngopharyngeal reflux, a condition in which stomach acid travels back up the esophagus, irritating the throat and voice box. Our software solves a range of anxiety-inducing traffic and parking-related problems, so in a way, it might help with that too.
Man showing distress — from LPR or LPR software? Source: Pexels.
How Much Do You Really Know About License Plate Reader Software?
Let me explain – two of the main causes of laryngopharyngeal reflux are stress and overeating. If consumer driving habits around your subdivision, restaurant, hotel, parking lot, car wash or other facility are driving you crazy, you might be experiencing stress. You might even be dealing with it by reaching for more cake and cookies than you should. Our software can help do a better job of managing everything from parking violations to curbside pickup so instead of stress, you feel empowered.
But let’s get back to our original topic of license plate reader software. People have become so used to computers just doing whatever we ask of them that sometimes we don’t realize what has to happen for programs to deliver the expected results. Our software is extremely user-friendly so you don’t have to know a lot about computers to put it to work for you.
However, in the time we’ve been providing LPR software we’ve seen some recurring misconceptions that seem wise to address. We bring you five LPR software myths debunked.
Can a camera tell the difference between a turnip vs a Toyota? Source: Pixabay.
Myth #1 – LPR Requires New Cameras
It’s understandable that people might confuse LPR software with LPR cameras. Any camera can take a photo; that’s what they’re designed to do. But once it’s taken, typical, plain-jane cameras can’t distinguish whether the photo is one of a Toyota or a turnip.
LPR software takes an image and identifies whether or not one portion contains a license plate. It “knows” the difference between a license plate, a vehicle wrap or sign, a bumper sticker and so on. The software then identifies the symbols on each plate and delivers them in a format you can use. LPR cameras come with this software, but buying them isn’t the only way to get license plate data.
LPR cameras are expensive. Decent ones start at more than $1,000 apiece. Once you buy them you’ll need to connect them to your system and configure them precisely at each location. They don’t always deliver accurate results. And once you buy multiple cameras from one vendor, you’re stuck with that vendor if one breaks. You can see the full list of advantages over LPR camera.
Our LPR software doesn’t require you to buy new cameras. We have cases where clients use their existing cameras for LPR. We even have customers that use their existing CCTV cameras in conjunction with our license plate reader software.
Aerial view of a subdivision. Source: Unsplash.
Myth #2 – LPR is Mainly for Business Use
While it’s true that retail facilities, apartment complexes, car washes, restaurants and other businesses trust LPR software to keep things running smoothly, that’s not the only use for this type of technology. Here are just a handful of other ways consumers deploy Plate Recognizer’s ALPR.
HOAs – Home Owner’s Associations install license plate reader software to take their neighborhood watch program to the next level. Burglars and other criminals are drawn to nice homes, and gates don’t always keep dishonest people out, but license plate reader technology stays vigilant around the clock.
Crime prevention isn’t the only use. Sometimes residents aren’t considerate of each other when it comes to practicing safe and courteous driving. LPR software gives managers the data they need to address the problem.
Apartments, Condos – People want to feel safe where they live, and they want to know their parked vehicle won’t be vandalized or broken into. They also don’t want to deal with non-residents parking in their spot. LPR software costs a fraction of what you would have to pay a 24/7 security guard, and it never falls asleep on the job.
College Campuses – Many college campuses sprawl over a large chunk of land, with multiple buildings, residence halls, parking lots and recreational facilities. Campus security can’t be everywhere at once. LPR software helps colleges keep students safe, and provides timestamped electronic vehicle images if a crime does occur.
Cow with ear tags can be read by LPR software. Source: Pixabay.
Livestock Management – Some farmers and ranchers who are fed up with cow RFID’s drawbacks have found their solution using LPR reader software. Radio Frequency Identification tags don’t always work, but our software decodes livestock ear tags as well as it does license plates.
Smart Home Security – It’s expected that by the end of 2021, 12.2 percent of households across the globe will be smart homes, and experts predict that number will almost double by 2025. Because people want homes that are comfortable, convenient and safe, some consumers are using our LPR software for their personal residences.
It’s possible to set up Plate Recognizer’s software so you receive a notification when visitors arrive. That allows you to protect yourself from everything from porch pirates to unexpected mother-in-law visits.
LPR software does not need to be expensive. Source: Unsplash.
Myth #3 – LPR Costs a Lot of Money
People are shocked when they find out how affordable it is to use our license plate reader software! In fact, it might not cost you anything at all. We have our free LPR software for users to use — up to 2,500 lookups a month. For many consumers, that’s more than enough for their needs. Use it with existing cameras and start experiencing the benefits right away.
Even if you need more than 2,500 monthly lookups, our transparent pricing has tiers for any size business. Before you sign up for any of our plans you can take advantage of our free trial.
License plate reader or recognition? Source: Pixabay.
Myth #4 – LPR is for License Plate Recognition
Wherever there’s an acronym, there’s also the possibility for confusion. LPR doesn’t stand only for license plate recognition, it also stands for license plate reader. You need technology that can do both.
To just recognize the presence of a license plate is not enough. That doesn’t yield useful information. Think, for example, of a situation where someone robbed a bank and raced away in their getaway car. Witnesses may have recognized the vehicle had a license plate, but if they didn’t take note of the numbers and letters, that’s not helpful.
When we say LPR, we mean both the ability to recognize the plate and to read or decode the plate. Not all LPR software does that accurately.
Ours does, even when the image the camera provides is blurry or low resolution. Our license plate reader software works at night, on vanity plates, when cars are traveling at high speeds, and in other situations where even some of the best LPR cameras fail. In many instances, they even identify the region where that plate is registered.
LPR software for police surveillance. Source: Unsplash.
Myth #5 – LPR Software Only Works When Vehicles are on Police Hotlists
Sometimes people think license plate recognition software will only give you results if a license plate has been placed on a police hotlist. That’s not the case.
This misconception might come from the experience people have when they’ve been pulled over and the officer “runs their plates.” In that situation, they receive information on the vehicle’s registration status, the registered owner, current warrants, alerts if the vehicle or plates have been stolen and other information. It’s useful information for law enforcement, but our LPR software isn’t restricted to giving information on vehicles that have had their plates run by law enforcement.
The software works by simply recognizing the letters and numbers on license plates. It can also provide the make, model and color of the vehicle. You get accurate data even if the vehicle has never been pulled over, wanted in connection with a crime or placed on a hotlist.
Curious to learn more about our LPR software? Source: Pixabay.
Learn More About Our LPR Software
We’re here to answer your questions about Plate Recognizer’s license plate reader software or to help you get started trying it out for yourself. Contact us online and we’ll respond in 24 hours or less, even on weekends.