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Global ALPR

Global ALPR

ALPR For Korea

What if business owners, property managers, and police could enforce traffic laws and make the streets safer? Traffic headaches can now be solved easily and cost-effectively with ALPR for Korea.

Canada License Plate Recognition Northern Territorries
Global ALPR

ALPR for Canada

Learn about the diversity of license plates in Canada and the challenges created by ALPR software. Plate Recognizer’s ALPR software is fine-tuned for different provinces in Canada.

ANPR United Kingdom London Number Plate Reader System
Global ALPR


Automatic number plate recognition software (ANPR) from Plate Recognizer can be beneficial to your UK business. Learn about plate numbers and ANPR for the UK.

Special characters on Germany license plates recognition
Global ALPR

Germany ANPR

Explore the latest in Germany ANPR and Austria ANPR. Our fast, accurate software works in all environments and even decodes umlauts in license plates.

ALPR US license plate recognition stacked characters
Global ALPR


High-accuracy license plate recognition (ALPR, LPR) for the 50 States of America, addressing stacked characters, icons, vanity plates, bumper stickers, plate covers and more. Updated for 2022 plates.

Number plate recognition for Brazil
Global ALPR

ANPR for Brazil

Brazil ANPR is challenging, with its new Mercosur and old plate styles. We have tuned our engine to achieve high accuracy ANPR for license plates in Brazil.

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