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ALPR with MQTT for IoT

ALPR and Parking Management with MQTT – wow, what a marriage!

ALPR ANPR MQTT IOT Plate Recognizer ParkPow

3 Logos on one image.  Source: Plate Recognizer.

What is MQTT?

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is a lightweight messaging protocol for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication, and one of several protocols used by IP cameras. It is designed to be efficient, low-latency, and bandwidth-sensitive, making it well-suited for IoT devices with limited resources. MQTT uses a publish/subscribe model, where devices can publish data to a central broker and other devices can subscribe to that data. This allows for easy communication between devices, even if they are not directly connected to each other.


Some kind of sophisticated IoT device. Source: Unsplash.

Not all ANPR is Created Equal

It is possible to use our Plate Recognizer Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) coupled with ParkPow via MQTT for home and business automation. ALPR technology can be used to detect and recognize license plate numbers of vehicles, and MQTT can be used to transmit this information to a central management system for further processing and integration into IoT devices such as home automation systems.

For example, an ALPR camera can be placed at the entrance of a gated community or a private drive, and when a vehicle enters, the camera captures the license plate number and sends it to a central management system via MQTT. The central management system can then use this information to verify that the vehicle is authorized to enter the community, and can also use it to automatically open the gate for the vehicle.

Additionally, the system can use the license plate number to automatically turn on the lights of the driveway or garage, or even open the garage door, making it convenient for the residents.

Furthermore, the same system can be used to track the vehicles coming in and out of the community and generate reports, which can be useful for security and traffic management purposes.

In summary, ALPR technology combined with MQTT can be used to automate various IoT tasks related to access control and convenience in a home automation context. By recognizing the license plates of vehicles, the system can provide a secure and automated access to a gated community or a private drive, and also provide additional convenience by turning on the lights and opening the garage door, which ultimately results in a better experience for the residents.

ALPR MQTT IOT garage door plate reader

Red garage door. Source: Unsplash.

ParkPow Now Supports MQTT

ParkPow is a parking management software, so its support for MQTT means that it can communicate with other devices or systems using the MQTT protocol.

By supporting MQTT, ParkPow can send real-time data to various devices, such as a thermostat, a rice cooker, the front gate, etc. This way, when Plate Recognizer sees the vehicle license plate arrive, it can immediately send the LPR data over to ParkPow to fire off the MQTT messages to a variety of IoT devices.

ALPR MQTT IOT license plate recognition

Mining site. Source: Unsplash.

Home Automation with ALPR and MQTT

MQTT can be used for home automation in several ways. One of the most common uses is to connect IoT devices, such as smart thermostats, smart lights, and smart plugs, to a central hub or controller. These devices can use MQTT to communicate with the hub or controller and send information about their status or receive commands to change their state.

With ALPR connected to MQTT, access control devices can publish data about the access status of a facility. This way, when the vehicle arrives, the door inside the house will automatically be unlocked.

Now imagine the air conditioning firing up or the crockpot starting once Plate Recognizer sees your vehicle license plate at the front gate!.

ALPR MQTT IOT parking gate

Entrance gate to a private farm. Source: Unsplash. 

Parking Management with ALPR and MQTT

As we know, ALPR is a great path for perimeter security around an office building, bank, home and even a farm. With parking management features added, you can now do these cool things with MQTT to your IoT devices:

  • Turn on all lights around perimeter when an unknown visitor arrives.
  • Lock all access doors when an untagged vehicle arrives.
  • Production line starts when delivery truck enters gate.
  • Conveyor belt pauses when truck.

MQTT can be used for access management by providing a real-time and efficient communication between access control devices and a central management system.

ANPR MQTT IOT turn on lights

Perimeter mood lighting.  Source: Unsplash.

Try Out Our ALPR and Parking Management for MQTT IoT

The automation ideas are endless now that our ALPR and Parking Management software support MQTT for IoT devices. Take a free test drive now!

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About Plate Recognizer

Plate Recognizer provides accurate, fast, developer-friendly Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software that works in all environments, optimized for your location. Sign up for a Free Trial!

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