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Comparison ANPR

Comparison of Automatic Number Plate Recognition Services

License plate readers are used for the following applications: Homeland Security, Traffic Department, Defense, Entertainment and Recreation Facilities, Dedicated Car Parks.

Companies providing ANPR Services

InnoWare is an Italian developer company specialized in License Plate Recognition (LPR) suites since 1992.

SentiVeillance from Neurotechnology includes algorithms for face recognition, vehicle-human classification and tracking, and automatic license plate recognition. Neurotechnology offers large-scale multi-biometric AFIS SDK, PC-based, embedded, smart card fingerprint, face, eye iris, voice and palmprint identification SDK. Research and development in AI and robotics.

riveVision is a cloud-based SaaS solution, using a neural-based network with machine learning algorithms to replace antiquated OCR and vehicle recognition systems.

Innova Systems group has a desktop based automatic plate recognition system.

Smart Parking is a leader in the design, development and management of parking technology.

OpenALPR is a service based on open source license plate reader.

NDI Recognition Systems® is a leading provider of Automatic License Plate Recognition Technology to law enforcement and government agencies world-wide.

Vigilant Solutions offers the most comprehensive, advanced suite of law enforcement tools like License Plate Recognition (LPR), Facial Recognition, and more.

Genetec dose IP video surveillance, access control and automatic license plate recognition. Security Center AutoVu™ is the automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) solution from Genetec. AutoVu for parking helps educational institutions, cities, and businesses benefit from increased user compliance and improved operational efficiency. AutoVu solutions consist of a range of powerful mobile and fixed ALPR devices, software, and cloud services, all designed to facilitate and enhance parking management and enforcement to provide a better experience for parkers.

PIPS Technology™ is a leader in detection innovation supplying advanced Automatic License Plate Recognition solutions to make our world safer and smarter.

Tattile designs and produces embedded vision systems and custom advanced solutions for industrial applications, road traffic control and the railway industry.

JENOPTIK covers a diverse range of real world applications, including: Journey Time Systems Average Speed Enforcement Police ANPR Bus Lane Enforcement Car Park Management Congestion Charging.

CA Traffic is a manufacturer and supplier of traffic monitoring equipment, a wide range of instrumentation and software systems are available ranging from basic pneumatic tube counter classifiers through to full real-time ITS systems.

ELSAG ALPR systems scan license plates in real time, so your operators receive immediate alerts of any hot or white list matches. Instant data lends your law enforcement the edge on offenders, aiding in your duty to stop crime and promote community safety.

COBAN Tech provides body cameras, in-car camera systems and integrated video management solutions built to the exacting demands of law enforcement agencies.

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Plate Recognizer provides accurate, fast, developer-friendly Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) software that works in all environments, optimized for your location. Sign up for a Free Trial!

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