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Terms for Free Trial Accounts

We here at Plate Recognizer want everyone and their brothers and mothers to try out our software.

We are delighted to know that some clients also desire to *really* use our software.  So much so that they sign up for multiple accounts and/or extend the use of our free trial into the production environment.  The latter, of course, abuses our free trial program.

As a business, we want to draw the right boundaries with our free trial accounts.

As a trust-based software provider, we ask for all our clients to comply with our free trial policy as stated below–cut/paste from Section 3.7 of our Terms.

3.7 Free Trials and Other Promotions. Any free trial or other promotion that provides you with free access to Services must be used within the specified time of the trial.

  • a) You agree to use the free trial of the Services solely for the purposes of evaluating the Services and not for a customer deployment or production environment.  We view Proof of Concept, Beta Releases, Demo Projects and other similar engagements as production deployments and these require a paid subscription.
  • b) You agree also to use one free trial account and not to create multiple free trial accounts for evaluation purposes without the written consent from Plate Recognizer.  We limit 2 free trial accounts per company. Additional free trial accounts would only be permitted upon written approval by Plate Recognizer.  We may disable your other accounts without written notice.
  • c) If you are found using the free trial of our Services in a customer deployment or production environment, you agree to pay us the amount equivalent to the services used based on the most-current prices published on our Website. By way of example, if you used our free trial in a production environment for a period of three (3) months, then you will pay three (3) months equivalent to the plan used. At the end of the trial period, your use of that Commercial Service will expire and any further use of such Service is prohibited unless you pay the applicable fees or are downgraded to a Free account (if available).
  • d) We may end the free trial at any time without written notice.
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