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Terms for Perpetual License

We here at Plate Recognizer are a Software-as-a-Service company at heart. Like other SaaS firms, we “rent” out our software and charge a monthly or annual fee for our software.

We understand that some clients may want to make a one-time purchase of our software. To meet this need, we modified our software code and added a few important items to our Terms & Conditions.

Basically, with the Perpetual License version our software, we issue out a license key for each software license purchased. Once the software is installed, that license key is used. Only by successfully uninstalling the software can that same license key be used again. So in situations where you are not able to uninstall the software, you will not be able to use that same license key.  Our software is like a diamond ring–once you lose it, you won’t be able to see it again.  Our software is structured in this way to alleviate illegal copying of our software.

If you want to test out the install, uninstall, and reinstall process, feel free to–if you have not already–request a Free Trial Snapshot SDK or Stream account. This way, you can practice and feel fully confident on the technical steps to do this.

Also, we require clients to purchase Annual Maintenance along with the Perpetual License. Without Annual Maintenance, you agree to the following:

  • You will not upgrade to new version of Plate Recognizer.
  • You will not be able to move the software from one device to another device.
  • You may not receive any customer support.

As such, for those purchasing a Perpetual License of Plate Recognizer software, it is important that you read and understand our Terms, specifically Section 3.5 on Perpetual Licenses–cut/pasted below for your convenience. To read our full Terms, please go here.

3.5 Perpetual Licenses. For customers with a Perpetual License (defined as a one-time purchase of the software), you acknowledge that you are purchasing our software as is. Further, you acknowledge that Plate Recognizer will not be held liable in situations where you are not able to uninstall, reinstall or recover the Perpetual License software and associated software license key. In this situation, we will not be able to provide a replacement software license key and you will have to purchase a new software license.  No refunds are provided for Perpetual License purchases.  For perpetual License accounts where Annual Maintenance is not in good, current standing, you acknowledge (a) that you are not eligble for software updates, (b) that you will not move the license from one device to another device, and (c) that Plate Recognizer is also not obligated to respond to customer support inquiries.

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