Similar to our ALPR Benchmark, we showcase the strenghts of our Vehicle Make Model Color engine in the real world.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify the Vehicle Make Model with only 40% of the vehicle visible!
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify the Vehicle Makde Model in snow, dirty and car washed conditions.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of some fairly damaged vehicles.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2010 in the USA.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2010 in Europe.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2010 in Asia Pacific.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2010 in the Middle East.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2020 in the USA.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2020 in the Europe.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2020 in the Asia Pacific.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of various cars made before 2020 in the Middle East.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of old and new sedans from various angles.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of old and new SUVs from various angles.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of old and new trucks from various angles.
results: Plate Recognizer is able to identify Vehicle Make Model Color of old and new sports cars from various angles.
Don’t take our word for it! We encourage you to test our ALPR in your specific environment!
© 2025 Plate Recognizer, a subsidiary of ParkPow, Inc. All rights reserved.
Made with ❤ from Silicon Valley & Budapest.