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Milesight SC211 Camera

Customers with Milesight SC211 Camera can easily get Plate Recognizer LPR! Just follow the steps below:

Configure Object Analytics in Milesight SC211 Camera

Step 1.1. If you upgrade version, do not worry about this: Firmware update didn’t stay on thecamera as it went back to C_21.1.06 instead of the one that was upgraded to.

Note: This is not a bug, this is due to we’re processing the Verizon device authentication, which can make sure the device has a better 4G network connection.

Milesight SC211 Camera ALPR Setup | Plate Recognizer

Step 1.2. Please insert your 4G card into device, then you can check device cellular status fromdevice’s web page. We are now supporting Verizion cards (You need to share IMEI to us fromdevice lable as following picture). Except Verizion card, we also support ATNT and T-Mobile cards.

ALPR Plate Recognizer on Cellular Network

Note: Sometimes Cellular Status always shows invalid, you need to check the following info with your local carrier.

Milesight Traffic Sensing Camera Setting | Plate Recognizer

Step 1.3. Then you can log in PLATE RECOGNIZER platform, and make sure you have the license. We can share a test account for you, you can log in directly.

Park Pow:

Stuck? Contact Us for assistance.

Set HTTP Type and Customize the Platform

Step 2.1. Choose HTTP type, platform choose Customize.

Step 2.2. URL must be

Step 2.3. API Token must be the same as the following.

Step 2.4. Regions support customize.

Step 2.5. You can set a unique Camera_ID

Step 2.6. Finally, enable post capture.

See Results

Step 31. You can check the final test result from here.

Check Final Results through Snapshot

Step 3.2. View the ALPR results in your Plate Recognizer Dashboard. To access the Dashboard, just sign in to your Plate Recognizer Account

ALPR license plate recognition dashboard

You can also easily forward the ALPR results over to ParkPow!  Our sister company, ParkPow provides a full ALPR Dashboard and Parking Management solution so you can:

  • Search vehicles by plate, timeframe, site, type, color, etc.
  • Enforce parking policies (e.g. 3 hour limit for guests).
  • Create custom alerts and get notified when specific vehicles (e.g. denied, visitor) arrive.
  • See and track full vehicle details with Vehicle CRM.
  • Easily integrate data from other systems, including our Gate Opener.

See the simple steps to integrate with ParkPow in under 5 seconds!

Alternatively, you can forward the ALPR results via webhooks to your system.

Need Help with LPR?

Let us know and we’d be happy to assist.

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