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ALPR Results in the Real World

In the world of license plate recognition, it’s easy for software vendors to make claims of 99% accuracy, blah, blah, blah.  

We share in great detail below what Plate Recognizer can (and cannot) do in various camera angle, image resolution, blurriness, and other situations.  Take a look at our Vehicle Make Model Color benchmarks too!

What sets us apart?  We do our engine updates every 3-6 weeks, so we aggressively push the envelop on what AI can do for ALPR.

Camera Side Angle

approach: We measured the camera angle with a protractor.  Distance from camera to vehicle was 6 feet for all images taken.

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR results were correct up to a 70 degree angle.  It failed at 75 degree angle.

ALPR ANPR Results Camera Angles
ALPR ANPR Results Camera Angles Tough

Image Resolution

approach: What matters in image resolution is actually the pixel width of the license plate itself.  In the original image (2880×2160), the plate is 340×140, or 12% of the original image width.  We resized the images below and indicated the plate’s pixel width.

results: Our results were correct up to 30 pixels of the plate width (roughly 26 pixels per foot).  It failed at 28 pixels of plate width.

ALPR ANPR Results Image Resolution Initial
ALPR ANPR Results Image Resolution Tough

Blurry Images

approach: We applied‘s Motion Blur feature at a standard 25 degree angle on various blur distances as stated below.

results: Our results were correct up to a blur distance of 27.  It failed at 30. Some additional examples of very blurry plates.

ALPR ANPR Results Blurry Image Tough

Dark Images

approach: We applied‘s Lightness levels (under Hue/Saturation Adjustments) to the original image. 

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR results were correct up to a Lightness Level of -93.

ALPR ANPR Results Image Brightness Initial
ALPR ANPR Results Image Brightness Tough

Camera Tilt Angle

approach: We applied‘s Rotate Image based on the degrees indicated to the original image. 

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR results were correct up 53 degrees of image rotation.

ALPR ANPR Results Camera Tilt Angle
ALPR ANPR Results Camera Tilt Angles

Dirty License Plates

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR performed well on plates with dirt, smudges, paint peeling off, etc.


Plates with Stacked Characters

results: We performed well on plates plates with double and triple stacked characters.  This includes stacked characters in the front, middle or end of the license plate.

ALPR ANPR Results Stacked Characters

Plates with Icons

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR performed well on license plates with a variety of icons–including icons that look like a letter!


Plates with 2 Lines of Text

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR performed well on license plates with 2 lines of text.  It even correctly decoded plates with different fonts between the top and bottom lines.

ALPR ANPR Results License Plates with 2 lines
ALPR ANPR Results License Plates with two lines

Plates with Tough Characters

results: We performed well on plates with script fonts, fonts of different sizes, long license plates, etc.

ALPR ANPR Results License Plates with tough characters
ALPR ANPR Results License Plates with tough colored characters

Tough Weather Conditions

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR is able to read plates in snow, rain, and sun-dried conditions.

ALPR ANPR Benchmarking Snow

Tinted License Plates

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR performed well on tinted license plates from various angles.

ALPR ANPR Results Tinted License Plates

Vanity License Plates

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR performed well on personalized or vanity license plates, even in situations where some characters are on top of an icon.

ALPR ANPR Results vanity license plates
ALPR ANPR Results personalized license plates

Vehicles with Signs

results: We correctly identify the license plate, ignoring bumper stickers, text and phone numbers.

ALPR ANPR Results bumper stickers signs
ALPR ANPR Results vehicles with signage

Vehicles With No Plates Present

results: When no plate is visible, Plate Recognizer is still able to identify the vehicle make model and color.  More examples here.


Partial View of License Plates

results: In cases where there’s an obstructed view on the license plate, we decode the characters visible.


International Plates

results: Our ALPR supports 90+ countries, with unique engines for Thailand, Japan, Korea, Egypt, UAE and Germany.


Night Time Images

results: Plate Recognizer ALPR correclty decoded reflective and non-reflective license plates.

ALPR ANPR Results ir camera license plates
ALPR ANPR Results reflective license plates

Two Licenses Plates

results: We correclty decode vehicles with dual license plates and plates on trailers.


Emojis, Etc.

results: We correclty decode license plates with emojis, temporary paper plates and even plates on the windshield.


Free Test Drive

Don’t take our word for it!  We encourage you to test our ALPR in your specific environment!

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approach: For some of the above cases, we took images of a single vehicle (black Lexus IS250) to ensure consistency in the analysis.  In other cases, we collected images online or from some of our partners (with permission to share). 

ALPR ANPR Results Test Methodology
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